Facts and Figures (Global)
1.7 M

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) works on the development of policy guidance for the field; the formulation of global strategies; standard-setting and quality control; and knowledge management relating to “mainstream” migration sectors, including labour and facilitated migration, migration and development, counter-trafficking, assisted voluntary return, migration health, assistance for vulnerable migrants, immigration and border management and overall capacity-building in migration management.

In addition, through the IOM Development Fund, IOM supports multiregional and global projects. This includes technical supervision of project review and endorsement to experts in the field, as well as operational partnerships with relevant governmental, multilateral and private sector industry partners in coordination with the Department of International Cooperation and Partnerships.

In Kuwait, IOM engages in various activities and projects, including policy support, technical projects and workshops covering migration governance including Labour Mobility and Human Development (LHD) and Migrant protection. IOM Kuwait works to promote ethical recruitment through IOM’s International Recruitment Integrity System (IRIS) initiative.

On the migrant protection side, IOM provides support to vulnerable migrants through the Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration programme (AVRR) in Kuwait and Oman, and movements through the resettlement and family reunification services as part of IOM's global resettlement program which involves interview set-ups for applicants, and pre-departure support and coordination and orientation.